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Hello Ward 13,

It is hard to believe that another summer is now wrapping up. I hope everyone enjoyed their time during the warmer months. September is here, and with it comes the excitement of a new school year. Our streets will soon be busy with children and university and college students heading to and from school, full of energy and eager to learn.

It’s a great time to remind ourselves of the importance of safety. Whether driving, walking, or cycling, we all play a role in protecting our community. Let’s commit to slowing down in school zones, staying alert, and giving pedestrians and cyclists the space they need to travel safely.

Together, we can ensure a safe and successful school year for everyone.

For more information on newsletters, ward meetings, current city initiatives, and other resources, please visit my website at

Warm regards,

David Ferreira
Councillor Ward 13, London Ontario
519-661-2489 ext. 4013 |


DownTown Master Plan Update

Work is currently underway in the development of the Downtown Master Plan. Development of the Terms of Reference is underway and will be brought to Council for approval in October 2024. After approval, the process to hire a consultant will begin, with the appointment expected in Q1-2025. Once the consultant is on board, public engagement and work on the plan will commence.

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt


Travelling on Dundas Place

The City of London continues to support Dundas Place as a vibrant destination for Londoners and visitors for shopping, dining, art and celebration.

Earlier in Spring 2024, City Council lowered the speed limit on Dundas Place, between Ridout to Wellington to 20 kph. The lower speed limit creates a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists, helps support the patio experience, and sustains an environment for events and activities on Dundas Place and Market Lane.

The City of London has also added new, temporary centerline signage at the Ridout, Richmond, and Wellington Street entrances to Dundas Place. This signage helps slow traffic down to reinforce Dundas Place as a special destination shared by pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

City staff will be evaluating traffic management options for Dundas Place and are currently collecting feedback from businesses, residents, and visitors. A report about future traffic management on Dundas Place will be presented to City Council in the fall of 2024.

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #Traffic


Downtown London’s Teams on the Street

Downtown London Updates

Clean Team
For years, the Downtown London Business Association has operated the Clean Team, keeping our community beautiful. You’ve likely seen them in high-visibility shirts, working on our streets. Their duties include pressure washing, sweeping sidewalks, removing garbage, watering planters, sharps removal, graffiti removal, and snow shoveling.

We’re also pleased to announce the return of the SuperGuides. After the City of London’s Ambassador program ended, the SuperGuides are now enhancing business outreach and community engagement. They deliver promotional materials, provide information on Downtown programs, report street issues, engage with visitors, and support downtown events.

For SuperGuide services, reach out at

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #TeamClean


Supportive Housing Update – Indwell War Memorial (SoHo)

I’m happy to share some exciting news regarding additional supportive housing units in London. Through discussions with Indwell Community Homes it has been confirmed that the War Memorial project, which is part of the Vision SOHO Alliance, will be operated under the supportive housing model. As this project provides both supportive and affordable housing, the financing of this project will be realigned from the Roadmap to 3000 Affordable Units program to the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund program. 

London’s Housing Accelerator Fund application allocated $20M to provide more affordable and highly supportive housing. The War Memorial project will be the first supportive housing project funded from London’s Housing Accelerator program. The units included in the project will continue to be affordable at 80% AMR which is consistent with the standardized contribution agreement approved in the Roadmap 2.0 update in July.

We now have 183 highly supportive units in London:

·    42 units at Thompson Rd.

·    49 units at 352 Dundas St.

·    50 units at Elmwood Pl. (in progress)

·    42 units at War Memorial (in progress)

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #Housing | #Indwell


2024 Conventional Transit Service Improvements

Effective September 1, 2024, London Transit will be implementing the approved 2024 service plan changes.  These changes will see frequency improvements on Routes 5, 10 and 24, routing modifications on Routes 17B and 20 and improved reliability of service on Route 19.

In addition Routes 27, 33, 102, 104 and 106 will return to fall levels of service.

Service Changes Details

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #LCT | #Transit


Developing London’s Climate Change Adaptation Framework

The conversation about Developing London’s Climate Change Adaptation Framework is introducing a discussion primer on the GetInvolved website as part of the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP).

The Discussion Primer is intended to help develop London’s Climate Change Adaptation Framework and to build upon the existing and past actions taken by the City of London and many other businesses, institutions, agencies and interested parties to prepare for and respond to the impacts of a changing climate.

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #ClimateChange


World Car-Free Day in London

City Council is going car-free on Sunday, September 22, 2024, in recognition of World Car-Free Day.

Please see activities planned for Car Free Day London.

#LdnCarFree2024 #CarFreeDayLdnOnt #LdnCycleLink #WorldCarFreeDay


Reforest London This Fall

As summer winds down, ReForest London is excited to continue growing our urban forest with your help! This past spring, with over 500 volunteers, we planted 1,519 trees and shrubs in 13 parks, provided 1,861 trees to 1,033 households, and planted 58 large trees in 10 schoolyards. 

This fall, we have a packed schedule of tree plantings, giveaways, and schoolyard projects across London. We’re focusing on areas with the lowest canopy cover and offering free native trees to residents. 

Want to get involved? Follow us on social media for event updates, or join us at a local tree planting! Your support is vital in making our city greener and healthier.

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

ReForest London Spring 2024 Community Event Schedule

Reforest London: Fall Tree Giveaways and Tree Planting

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #ReforestLondon


London Police Service: Project LEARN

Project Learn Common Fines and Charges


New Child Care Funding Approach – CWELCC Cost-Based Funding Guideline

On March 28, 2022, the federal and provincial governments signed the
Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreement for the purpose of building on Ontario’s existing child care and early learning system by increasing quality, accessibility, affordability and inclusivity. 

The Ministry of Education announced the new CWELCC Cost-Based Funding Guideline publicly through a media release on August 15, 2024. The new guideline takes effect January 1, 2025.
Read More…

More Details

#Ward13 | #DntLdnOnt | #LdnOnt | #OntEd


AMO 2024

I had the pleasure of attending the Association of Municipalities of Ontario this year. The City of London was involved with many important discussions in Ottawa to improve the quality of life for Londoners and Ontarians. It was great to connect with councillors from all 444 municipalities across Ontario MPPs and MPs. Congratulations to Anna Hopkins on her re-election to the board of directors. #amo2024

AMO Site for more details


Downtown London: Upcoming Events in September 


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Ward 13 Office Contact:
Phone: 519-661-2489 ext. 4013
Fax: 519-661-5933

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