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Hello Ward 13

Welcome to the August 2024 newsletter with news and events from Ward 13. 

This August will be filled with fun summer festivals and community events, perfect for enjoying the sunshine with family and friends. However, keep an eye out for construction in the ward, which might cause some detours—just a small hiccup in an otherwise vibrant month!

For more information on newsletters, ward meetings, current city initiatives, and other resources, please visit my website at

Warm regards,

David Ferreira
Councillor Ward 13, London Ontario
519-661-2489 ext. 4013 |

Public Consultation – Transit Villages: Oxford-Richmond intersection and 100 Kellogg Lane

We have began public consultation on several major policy projects in Planning & Development in response to the federal Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) initiative in order to achieve more housing in strategic growth areas of the City. Several major policy projects are underway to increase housing in strategic growth areas.

Key initiatives include:

  1. Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA): Proposed amendments to The London Plan and zoning by-law aim to allow high-rise developments in transit-accessible areas, with new permitted uses like apartment buildings and commercial spaces.
  2. The London Plan Heights Review: An amendment proposes increasing maximum building heights across urban areas, aligned with the HAF initiative.
  3. New Transit Villages: Proposals to create two new Transit Villages at Oxford-Richmond and near 100 Kellogg Lane, focusing on greater building heights and intensities.
  4. Major Shopping Area: Introducing a new category in The London Plan for mixed-use developments up to 15 storeys in commercial areas, enhancing residential intensification near transit and services.

Public Participation meeting scheduled for September 10th at the Planning and Environment Committee (PEC).

Public feedback at Get Involved

Transit Villages – Oxford-Richmond intersection and 100 Kellogg Lane

Thames Valley Parkway Extension in SoHo

The City of London, Government of Ontario, and Government of Canada have announced an investment of more than $24 million in active transportation infrastructure improvements for London.

The funding will be used to support an extension of the Thames Valley Parkway (TVP)’s south branch in the SoHo neighbourhood, as well as several future improvements to accessibility, mobility, and active transportation across the city, including:

  • Accessibility improvements at intersections

  • New pedestrian crossings

  • New bicycle parking

  • New cycling improvements along London streets

The Government of Canada is investing $9,800,000 through the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to support these improvements. The Government of Ontario is contributing $8,165,850 and the City of London is investing $6,534,150.

Supporting active transportation in London

Background: Canada, Ontario and London partner for major investments

Victoria Bridge on July 4, 2024

The Victoria Bridge is back, and now open to all users for north and south travel along Ridout Street across the Thames River.

Construction Notice:

2024 Arterial Road Rehabilitation Project

Waterloo Street

The City of London will soon be starting a construction project in your area to replace aging infrastructure that has exceeded its lifecycle.

Work details:

  • Mill existing asphalt
  • Curb and gutter repairs
  • Maintenance hole adjustments
  • Water valve adjustments
  • New asphalt road surface
  • Pavement markings

Proposed timeline: Next steps related to this project are listed below.

  • Construction starts: July 15, 2024
  • Construction ends: September 2024

More Details: Construction Notice: 2024 Arterial Road Rehabilitation Project Waterloo Street

Construction Notice:

Harris Park Shoreline Restoration

and Park Improvements

The City of London will soon be starting a construction project in your area. The project aims to remove the deteriorated eastern bank of Harris Park and replace it with an engineered naturalized shoreline treatment, as well as provide park improvements.

Crews have begun site preparations for construction of the planned Harris Park shoreline restoration project. The infrastructure project will remove the old and deteriorated stone gabion baskets that supported the shore from erosion in the past, and they will be replaced with naturalized infrastructure which will continue to protect the shoreline into the future. New park features will also be added including a new lookout point along the path, improved river access for paddlers, additional trees, and ecological improvements to support the riverbank and aquatic habitats.

Proposed Timeline: Preparatory construction work and mobilization will begin mid July 2024 and is anticipated to last until December 2024. Harris Park and the Thames Valley Parkway (TVP) between Queens Avenue and Blackfriars Bridge will be closed until December 2024 Final restoration works within Harris Park are likely to occur in spring 2025.

Work Details:

  • Removal of existing gabion baskets, regrading, and installation of bank revetment to prevent degradation and improve river access
  • Removal and replacement of existing Thames valley Parkway; and all associated restoration
  • Construction of central concrete lookout platform
  • New and improved river access point for paddlecraft
  • New and improved fishing platform for mobility
  • New poured concrete pathways to allow public to safely access the proposed restoration areas
  • Benches, planters, and signage will be installed throughout the park
  • Removal of invasive vegetation and restoration with native seed mix and plantings to provide enhanced diversity as well as increased pollinator habitat

More Details: Construction Notice: Harris Park Shoreline Restoration and Park Improvements

Construction Notice:
Mud Creek Flood Reduction and Rehabilitation, Phase 2B

Improvements continue to be made to Mud Creek this summer. Over the past three years, the creek’s storm-water capacity has been increased through a series of phased construction projects. The City of London will soon be starting the fourth and final Phase (Phase 2B) of a construction project in your area to reduce flooding in the Oxford Street and Proudfoot Lane areas and provide environmental enhancements throughout the Mud Creek corridor.

Mud Creek Flood Reduction and Rehabilitation, Phase 2B

In the coming weeks, crews will begin to widen and deepen sections of Mud Creek between Oxford Street West and the CP Rail line to the south. The area will be replanted with native trees and plants, and a new path will be added along the creek for residents. Construction is expected to be complete by fall 2025.

Proposed Timeline:
Preparatory construction work and mobilization will begin soon with in-water works commencing after July 15, 2024. Construction is anticipated to continue until fall 2025.

Work Details:

  • Regrading and reconstructing channel alignment, elevations, and slopes to prevent flooding and improve flow conveyance.
  • Introduction of pocket wetlands for amphibians and other wildlife habitat.
  • Low flow channel constructed with deeper pools to support fish habitat.
  • New multiuse pathway through City lands.
  • New sanitary sewer to provide future servicing needs.
  • New culverts beneath Oxford Street to be activated to increase flow capacity.
  • Removal of invasive vegetation and restoration with plantings native to the London area.

Improvements continue to be made to Mud Creek this summer. Over the past three years, the creek’s storm-water capacity has been increased through a series of phased construction projects.

Construction Notice – Adelaide Street Bridge over York Street & CNR Rehabilitation

The City of London will be rehabilitating the Adelaide Street bridge over York Street and CN Rail to repair girders and replace bearings and expansion joints. Construction in 2024 will be limited to repairs under the bridge which will impact parking under the bridge. In 2025, traffic will be reduced to a single lane of traffic in each direction to provide safe space to complete expansion joint replacement.
Construction Work to be Completed:
2024 Construction

  • Substructure and girder repairs.
  • Bearing Replacement.
  • Cathodic protection installation.

2025 Construction

  • Expansion joint replacement.
  • Mill & pave asphalt on Adelaide St from approximately King St to Hamilton Rd.

Anticipated Project Timeline:
The bridge rehabilitation is expected to be completed by August 2025. The anticipated construction schedule is listed below:

2024 Construction

  • Construction starts: August 12, 2024
  • Construction ends: October 31, 2024

2025 Construction

  • Construction starts: May 26, 2025
  • Construction ends: August 1, 2025

Adelaide Street Bridge over York Street & CNR Rehabilitation

Revised Notice of Application: 
313-323 Horton Street East
File: Z-9616
Revised Notice of Planning Application and Zoning By-Law Amendment:
Applicant: Mike Tkaczyk – c/o Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
Location: 313-323 Horton Street East

For inquiries, please contact: Alanna Riley, Planning & Development at

(Z-9616) Planning Application: 313-323 Horton St. E.

Road Closure: York Street closure for downtown sewer separation

Starting August 6, 2024, York Street will be closed from the Clarence Street intersection to Wellington Street. York Street will be completely closed to through traffic from just west of Clarence Street to the Wellington Street intersection. Motorists and cyclists travelling on York Street should expect delays in the area for the rest of the summer.

The sidewalk on the south side of York Street will remain open. Signage will be used to help guide pedestrians in the area. There are no London Transit impacts related to this closure.

Free Tenant Organizing Training Central Library Aug 31st

Free training helps tenants know your rights, improve your living conditions, meet with neighbours, work together and build a better building community.

Downtown London: Upcoming Events in August 

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Ward 13 Office Contact:
Phone: 519-661-2489 ext. 4013
Fax: 519-661-5933

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